
Identify and address the nuclear industry's common issues

Identify issues

Issues that the nuclear industry should address will be identified by investigating and analyzing plant status, the most up-to-date knowledge and other data available both inside and outside Japan while incorporating the opinions of overseas experts and assessing the significance of issues and effectiveness of potential safety measures in reducing risks. Issues will be identified in the Steering Committee on which senior executive level personnel from ATENA members will serve as committee members.

Deliberate on issues

Technical reviews will be conducted for each issue in working groups that will be attended by experts including those from manufacturers.

Probabilistic risk assessment (PRA): A comprehensive methodology to review accident scenarios that may occur at nuclear power plants and quantitatively assess the frequency and the impact of such scenarios.
Stress test: A test that evaluates the safety margin of safety critical facilities and equipment for a nuclear power plant event exceeding design basis event
Risk profile: Quantitative or qualitative risk assessment results of power plants.
Owners' groups: Meetings to conduct necessary technical discussions and share technical information between domestic nuclear operators and domestic plant manufacturers. There are the Japan PWR Owners' Group and Japan BWR Owners' Group.

IAEA: International Atomic Energy Agency
NEI: Nuclear Energy Institute
NRC: Nuclear Regulatory Commission
EPRI: Electric Power Research Institute
ASN: Autorité de sûreté nucléaire

Deploy safety measures

Make decisions on safety measures

ATENA's policy is determined in the Steering Committee attended by regular members. Nuclear operators' deployment of safety measures in the site will not require unanimous consent.

Compile and release the technical reports to the public

Such as recommendation on safety measures will be compiled into a technical report and released to the public.

Examples of technical reports

  • Nuclear industry guidelines that contribute to the further improvement of safety.
  • Response policy for new knowledge.
  • Guidelines that specify the operational procedures to fulfill the regulatory requirements, etc.

Assess, and inform the status of the industry

Every year, assess and release to the public the status of the nuclear operators' implementation of safety improvement initiatives including their effect on risk reduction.

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